Growing vaccine demands are creating a downward curve of global COVID-19 fear, however, the nation’s health crisis is far from over.
Within a year since the global pandemic became official, many reported feeling less enthused about maintaining their healthy lifestyles and have increased negative habits that lead to weight gain. According to the American Psychological Association’s latest Stress in AmericaTM poll, the negative behavior changes may be linked to an inability to cope with stresses that came as a result of the pandemic.
"APA’s survey of U.S. adults, conducted in late February 2021 by The Harris Poll, shows that a majority of adults (61%) experienced undesired weight changes—weight gain or loss—since the pandemic started, with 42% reporting they gained more weight than they intended. Of those, they gained an average of 29 pounds (the median amount gained was 15 pounds) and 10% said they gained more than 50 pounds, the poll found. Such changes come with significant health risks, including higher vulnerability to serious illness from the coronavirus. For the 18% of Americans who said they lost more weight than they wanted to, the average amount of weight lost was 26 pounds (median amount lost was 12 pounds)."
-Source: One Year On, American Psychological Association
To read more, click here.
For centuries the wisest people to walk the earth have stressed the correlation of a healthy mind and body to a prolonged and happy life. It is more obvious than ever that fitness is an essential tool to not only reduce the risks of contracting viruses like COVID-19, but to also manage the day to day stresses that the pandemic has brought to the lives of some.
As a fitness brand we believing in providing a secure space for all to live a healthy and happy life. We have gone the lengths to ensure that our clubs are safe during the pandemic and we also provide virtual personal training and On Demand fitness options for those who prefer to continue distancing themselves from others regardless.
If you know anyone who's physical or mental health has been impacted by the pandemic, please share this article with them and allow us to give them the opportunity to live the healthy life that they deserve.